Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Histroical Notes on Williamsville, New York

Historical Notes on Williamsville, New York.

On going gleamings from the internet.

The community developed because it was an important location on the major road between Batavia and Buffalo. The development was promoted by the contruction of two water mills by Jonas Williams, giving the village its first name, "Williams Mills." The village was incorporated in 1850.

During the War 1812, American troops were stationed in Williamsville in the area between Garrison Road and Ellicott Creek. American soldiers and British prisoners were treated in a field hospital and log barracks that lined Garrison Road. A small cemetery, located on Aero Drive between Wehrle and Youngs Road, was used to bury the men who did not survive their wounds or illnesses. General Winfield Scott used the Evans House as his headquarters in the Spring of 1813 when his entire army of 5,000-6,000 men were stationed in Williamsville. In 1813, when the British burned Buffalo, people fled to the safety of Williamsville and nearby Harris Hill.
In 1983 Williamsville passed its Historic Preservation Code to conserve its attractive, old buildings.

What do you know about Williamsville and is not included here ? Add it to the comments, and if you have a website which depicts something about your life in and around Williamsville, New York include the URL address too .

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Welcome to Williamsville Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC

Williamsville Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC

A supporting blog for Buffalo Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC an Inter - City Cultural Communications website program between the cities of Buffalo, New York and Ithaca, New York. The focus of which is to exchange cultural information via the internet medium about the nightlife, dance, theatre life, art, artist, entertainment, accomodations, restaurants, and dance scene.

The second stage is to include the regional communities under the sociocultural and socioeconomic influences of the cities of Buffalo, New York. This add depth, and brings the online user into the very national environment of each selected city within the growing network of Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC. More importantly, it allows a greater field of participation from the community online users to convey their interests and contributions to this cultural democracy initiative.

The selected region communities of Buffalo are :

Amherst .
Cheektowaga .
Lackawanna .
Lockport .
Medina .
Williamsville .
Buffalonian sub-village Allentown .

There is more to come in the specific cultural areas which each city interculturally shares.

The Mission of the Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC Network
[ Cultural Democracy ]

Cultural Communications:

Cultural communications is the very heart of this system, and through the internet a free flow flow of information network has already been established to allow this to happen. What is being done, is that an intiative based upon cultural democracy has been now established for your the community online user to participate. More importantly, for those who are contributing valued information getting known on the internet too!

All too often, several events are simply not know by travelers, tourist, or those who are looking for communities to move and live. It is envisioned by this process that events become both known, and popular at the sametime. Moreover, new talent is happening all the time, and thus should likewise be promoted too!

Beyond that, is the emergence of the event provider, and thus system become even more crucial, and for two very important respects.

One: The promotion of the community itself, as represented in its entertainment value.

Two: The economic activity it establishes by which industries are likewise locally developed.

Thus this crucial initiative and where it starts for you is on this webpage...

Special Submissions Online Forms .

The growing dance culture:

The online system Dance Community Get - Togethers is a faciliative service system which is free and open to the public. This is to assist in the development of dance socials, dancce committee formations, and development of those contacts which makes dance troupes come about. Thus this can be called the empowerment zone.

Goto Website Dance Community .

The following are condensed information websites and thus they are as brief as possible. Moreover, and later on discussion boards will be added. This will also help in the flow of information.

Ballet and Modern Dance Cities / City [ Website ]
Ballroom Dance Cities / City [ Website ]
Belly and Folk Dance Cities / City [ Website ]
Hip Hop and Modern Jazz dance Cities / City [ Website ]
The Latin and Salsa Dance Cities / City [ Website ]
Swing Dance Cities / City [ Website ]

The National and International Social Dance Registry [ WebSite ]
The Ithaca Dance Directory [ Website ]

You will note both the comments section and link exchange programs which are offered freely. Take advantage of them and the central reason for this is based upon how the internet views partnerships ( internet socialization promotionals via link exchanges ) as who is offering the best service, and has a check and balance as a result.


Mr. Roger M. Christian
Ithaca, New York